miércoles, 24 de junio de 2015

Resident evil 2 apocalipsis

This film is action-horror genre. It was released in 2004 and grossed over 40 million dollars in the first 12 hours. The Actors who worked in the film are the main protagonist of this saga is Alice Abernathy played by Milla Jovovich, Jill Valentine played by Sienna Guillory, Carlos Oliveira played by Oded Fehr. This film as its previous installment tells the story of a survivors of a zombie apocalypse. But unlike the previous installment in this film we can find a character who is the nenemesis of Alice. In this film we see a story that shows conflicts which must have to pass Alice to save the life of a girl who is the daughter of a scientist who would help them out of town. We recommend this movie because it has great special effects and a good plot that attracts and entertains people who see it.



Bogota is a city that has many good and beautiful things such as buildings, parks, restaurants and touristic places. However, it has some problems that annoy us. First, transport is terrible, there are many problems like delays so people almost always are late at work or at university and everyone get stress, in addition noise from cars is unbearable .Second, insecurity is another problem that makes Bogota an uncomfortable city to live in, you have to be alert all time because thieves can steal you in anytime your cellphone or wallet, furthermore criminals can murderer you when they are trying of steal you. Third, pollution is horrible, smoke from the cars, litter on the streets, dirt, etc., and really annoy us because it’s very unpleasant and people are getting sick with the contamination especially children and this is really bad. Those are just some problems that annoy us but we think that is our responsibility do from Bogota a better place to live.

lunes, 22 de junio de 2015


The first computer was created in 1642 by Blaise Pascal. In 1670 phisolopher Gottfried Wihelm  perfected it. in the history the computer have suffered large changes. for example, one of the most important changes of the computer is the evolution of analog computers to convert in electronic computers in the second world war. With the electronic computers it developed many ideas. For example one the most important person that contributed to the computer were Adam Osborne who produced the first laptop besides Adam other persons have achieved to do large contributions like Mark zukerberg who created  facebook, Steve jobs founder of "apple" among many others. Nowadays the computer is the most important source of information, entertaiment and danger. Also is important to know that there a lot of decives and supplements to computers.  

viernes, 19 de junio de 2015

A young man of 23 years old was murdered in chapinero by a goup of punkers.

Daniel Ramirez Hernandez was a young student of philosophy from " El externado University". He was drinking some beers with his friends at 2:00 am on street 58 - 13. When suddenly a groups of punkers arrived to the place and they were searching problems. So they started to discuss. This crime was commited at 2:00 o'clock and in that time a friend of victim go to the police station to report that his friends were being insulted by the group of punkers. However, the policemen didn't go to the place and one hour later  the tragedy happened. The poor man was wounded with a knife by the men in his stomach twice. Daniel was sent to the hospital where he died. This was a terrible crime commited by punkers who escaped and sadly in this moment they haven't been arrested so they are being wanted by the police.    

jueves, 18 de junio de 2015

Tips to travel to Colombia

1.You should have a map or Gps.

2.Research before vitit somewhere.
3.Watch your personal things.
4.Be careful with Colombian’s words
5.Do not misunderstand what people say.
6. You should make your American check before traveling and make sure you got all the vaccines.
7. Don’t buy in strange places.
8. The best season to visit Colombia is December because the weather is better than in other months.
9.  Be a person friendly and have respect for the different cultures of Colombia.

10. You must learn and explore the great natural diversity that have Colombia.